Vei plange mult ori vei zambi ?

nu mă căiesc,
c-am adunat în suflet şi noroi-
dar mă gândesc la tine.
Cu gheare de lumină
o dimineaţă-ţi va ucide-odată visul,
că sufletul mi-aşa curat,
cum gândul tău il vrea,
cum inima iubirii tale-l crede.
Vei plânge mult atunci ori vei ierta?
Vei plânge mult ori vei zâmbi
de razele acelei dimineţi,
în care eu ţi-oi zice fără umbră de căinţă:
„Nu ştii, ca numa-n lacuri cu noroi în fund cresc nuferi?”

Lucian Blaga

Cu respect,

2 gânduri despre „Vei plange mult ori vei zambi ?

  1. Castrato
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A castrato (Italian, plural: castrati) is a man with a singing voice equivalent to that of a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto. The voice is produced by castration of the singer before puberty, or it occurs in one who, because of an endocrinological condition, never reaches sexual maturity.

    Castration before puberty (or in its early stages) prevents a boy’s larynx from being transformed by the normal physiological events of puberty. As a result, the vocal range of prepubescence (shared by both sexes) is largely retained, and the voice develops into adulthood in a unique way. Prepubescent castration for this purpose diminished greatly in the late 18th century and was made illegal in Italy in 1870.

    As the castrato’s body grew, his lack of testosterone meant that his epiphyses (bone-joints) did not harden in the normal manner. Thus the limbs of the castrati often grew unusually long, as did the bones of their ribs. This, combined with intensive training, gave them unrivalled lung-power and breath capacity. [1] Operating through small, child-sized vocal cords, their voices were also extraordinarily flexible, and quite different from the equivalent adult female voice. Their vocal range was higher than that of the uncastrated adult male (see soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, sopranist, countertenor and contralto). Listening to the only surviving recordings of a castrato (see below), one can hear that the lower part of the voice sounds like a „super-high” tenor, with a more falsetto-like upper register above that.

    Castrati were rarely referred to as such: in the 18th century, the euphemism musico (pl musici) was much more generally used, although it usually carried derogatory implications;[2] another synonym was evirato (literally meaning „emasculated”). Eunuch is a more general term, since historically many eunuchs were castrated after puberty, castration thus having no effect on their voices.

    • Domnule, Cristytepes, nu va suparati pe mine, dar am o nelamurire in privinta avatar-ului dvs: Sa inteleg ca acel cerc de lumina este cumva vreo „aureola”, asa cum au „sfintii” din icoane…?!
      Sincer va spun, imi pareti un personaj foarte straniu…
      Sa stiti ca am intrat de curiozitate pe blog-ul dvs si v-am citit cateva articole, chiar si cel cu a doua venire a Domnului in anul 70, articol pe care il consider o gluma…
      La ce bazaconii se poate ajunge atunci cand Scriptura este interpretata ad litteram, in loc sa fie interpretata duhovniceste… Insa, nu e nimic nou sub soare; asa cum carturarii, fariseii si saducheii nu au inteles nimic din Scripturi, deoarece le interpretau ad litteram, tot asa si in ziua de astazi… Eu, personal, nu m-as mira daca ar veni unul sa spuna ca Isus a fost de fapt un miel, ci nu Dumnezeu intrupat…ca deh, doar scrie negru pe alb – „Iata Mielul lui Dumnezeu care ridica pacatul lumii!” (Ioan.1:29)
      Mai explicati-mi, va rog, fiindca nu cred ca am inteles prea bine, cine este acel personaj din Romania care se considera DUHUL SFANT intrupat: dvs sau altcineva…?
      Cu respect, Roro

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